package de.saring.sportstracker.gui.dialogs; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjusters; import java.time.temporal.WeekFields; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnitType; import org.jfree.chart.fx.ChartViewer; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleAnchor; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; import de.saring.sportstracker.core.STOptions; import; import; import; import; import; import de.saring.sportstracker.gui.STContext; import de.saring.sportstracker.gui.STDocument; import de.saring.util.AppResources; import de.saring.util.Date310Utils; import de.saring.util.gui.javafx.ColorUtils; import de.saring.util.gui.javafx.NameableStringConverter; import de.saring.util.gui.jfreechart.ChartUtils; import de.saring.util.gui.jfreechart.StackedRenderer; import de.saring.util.unitcalc.ConvertUtils; import de.saring.util.unitcalc.FormatUtils; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox; import javafx.scene.control.Spinner; import javafx.scene.control.SpinnerValueFactory; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.stage.Window; /** * Controller (MVC) class of the Overview dialog of the SportsTracker application. * This dialog contains a diagram which displays all the exercises or weight entries in * various diagram graph types. The user can select the displayed time range (e.g. all * months of the selected year or the last 10 years until the selected year). * * @author Stefan Saring */ public class OverviewDialogController extends AbstractDialogController { private final STDocument document; /** The viewer for the chart. */ private ChartViewer chartViewer; @FXML private ChoiceBox<TimeRangeType> cbTimeRange; @FXML private Spinner<Integer> spYear; @FXML private ChoiceBox<ValueType> cbDisplay; @FXML private ChoiceBox<OverviewType> cbSportTypeMode; @FXML private ChoiceBox<SportType> cbSportTypeList; @FXML private StackPane spDiagram; @FXML private HBox hBoxOptions; @FXML private HBox hBoxSportTypeMode; @FXML private HBox hBoxSportTypeList; /** * Standard c'tor for dependency injection. * * @param context the SportsTracker UI context * @param document the SportsTracker model/document */ @Inject public OverviewDialogController(final STContext context, final STDocument document) { super(context); this.document = document; TimeRangeType.appResources = context.getResources(); ValueType.appResources = context.getResources(); OverviewType.appResources = context.getResources(); } /** * Displays the Overview dialog. * * @param parent parent window of the dialog */ public void show(final Window parent) { // display in title when exercise filter is being used String dlgTitle = context.getResources().getString("st.dlg.overview.title"); if (isExerciseFilterEnabled()) { dlgTitle += " " + context.getResources().getString("st.dlg.overview.title.filter"); } showInfoDialog("/fxml/dialogs/OverviewDialog.fxml", parent, dlgTitle); } @Override protected void setupDialogControls() { setupChoiceBoxes(); updateDiagram(); } private void setupChoiceBoxes() { // fill choice boxes cbTimeRange.getItems().addAll(Arrays.asList(TimeRangeType.values())); cbTimeRange.getSelectionModel().select(TimeRangeType.LAST_12_MONTHS); cbDisplay.getItems().addAll(Arrays.asList(ValueType.values())); cbDisplay.getSelectionModel().select(ValueType.DISTANCE); cbSportTypeMode.getItems().addAll(Arrays.asList(OverviewType.values())); cbSportTypeMode.getSelectionModel().select(OverviewType.EACH_SPLITTED); cbSportTypeList.setConverter(new NameableStringConverter<>()); document.getSportTypeList().forEach(sportType -> cbSportTypeList.getItems().add(sportType)); cbSportTypeList.getSelectionModel().select(0); // init spinner for year selection, must not be visible for time range type "last 12 months" spYear.setValueFactory(new SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(1950, 2070,; spYear.visibleProperty().bind(Bindings.notEqual(cbTimeRange.valueProperty(), TimeRangeType.LAST_12_MONTHS)); // add mouse wheel support for the year spinner (not done by default) // TODO remove when my Tweak Request for JavaFx has been impplemented // spYear.setOnScroll(event -> { if (event.getDeltaY() > 0) { spYear.decrement(); } else if (event.getDeltaY() < 0) { spYear.increment(); } }); // set listeners for updating the diagram on selection changes cbTimeRange.addEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, event -> updateDiagram()); spYear.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> updateDiagram()); cbDisplay.addEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, event -> updateDiagram()); cbSportTypeMode.addEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, event -> updateDiagram()); cbSportTypeList.addEventHandler(ActionEvent.ACTION, event -> updateDiagram()); } /** * Draws the Overview diagram according to the current selections. */ private void updateDiagram() { updateOptionControls(); // get selected time range and value type and its name to display TimeRangeType timeType = cbTimeRange.getValue(); ValueType vType = cbDisplay.getValue(); String valueTypeNameWithUnits = vType.getNameWithUnitSystem(context.getFormatUtils()); int year = spYear.getValue(); // create a table of all time series (graphs) and the appropriate colors TimeTableXYDataset dataset = new TimeTableXYDataset(); java.util.List<java.awt.Color> lGraphColors = new ArrayList<>(); // setup TimeSeries in the diagram (done in different ways for all the value types) if (vType == ValueType.SPORTSUBTYPE) { setupSportSubTypeDiagram(dataset, lGraphColors); } else if (vType == ValueType.EQUIPMENT) { setupEquipmentDiagram(dataset, lGraphColors); } else if (vType == ValueType.WEIGHT) { setupWeightDiagram(dataset, lGraphColors); } else { setupExerciseDiagram(dataset, lGraphColors); } // create chart JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( // null, // Title null, // Y-axis label valueTypeNameWithUnits, // X-axis label dataset, // primary dataset true, // display legend true, // display tooltips false); // URLs // render unique filled shapes for each graph XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(); renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesFilled(true); // set color for sport type series for (int i = 0; i < lGraphColors.size(); i++) { java.awt.Color tempColor = lGraphColors.get(i); renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, tempColor); } // setup date format for tooltips and time (bottom) axis String dateFormatTooltip; String dateFormatAxis; DateTickUnit dateTickUnit; switch (timeType) { case LAST_12_MONTHS: dateFormatTooltip = "MMMMM yyyy"; dateFormatAxis = "MMM"; dateTickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1); break; case MONTHS_OF_YEAR: dateFormatTooltip = "MMMMM"; dateFormatAxis = "MMM"; dateTickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.MONTH, 1); break; case WEEKS_OF_YEAR: // Workaround for a JFreeChart formating problem: years are used // instead of weeks for the bottom axis, otherwise there will be // format problems on the axis (the first week is often "52") dateFormatTooltip = "yy"; dateFormatAxis = "yy"; dateTickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 2); break; default: // LAST_10_YEARS dateFormatTooltip = "yyyy"; dateFormatAxis = "yyyy"; dateTickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnitType.YEAR, 1); break; } // setup tooltips: must display month, week or year and the value only String toolTipFormat = "{1}: {2}"; renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(toolTipFormat, new SimpleDateFormat( dateFormatTooltip), new DecimalFormat()) { @Override public String generateToolTip(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item) { return dataset.getSeriesKey(series) + ", " + super.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item); } }); // special handling for overview type EACH_STACKED, it uses a special renderer // (only for exercises based value types, stacked mode can be selected only there) if (cbSportTypeMode.isVisible() && cbSportTypeMode.getValue() == OverviewType.EACH_STACKED) { renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(0, false); renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, false); renderer.setSeriesVisibleInLegend(0, false); // actual dataset dataset = new TimeTableXYDataset(); lGraphColors = new ArrayList<>(); // create a separate graph for each sport type for (SportType sportType : document.getSportTypeList()) { addExerciseTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, vType, sportType); lGraphColors.add(ColorUtils.toAwtColor(sportType.getColor())); } plot.setDataset(1, dataset); // actual stacked renderer StackedRenderer stackedRenderer = new StackedRenderer(); // set color for sport type series for (int i = 0; i < lGraphColors.size(); i++) { java.awt.Color tempColor = lGraphColors.get(i); stackedRenderer.setSeriesPaint(i, tempColor); } stackedRenderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(toolTipFormat, new SimpleDateFormat( dateFormatTooltip), new DecimalFormat()) { @Override public String generateToolTip(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item) { return dataset.getSeriesKey(series) + ", " + super.generateToolTip(dataset, series, item); } }); plot.setRenderer(1, stackedRenderer); } // set date format of time (bottom) axis DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatAxis)); if (dateTickUnit != null) { axis.setTickUnit(dateTickUnit); } // set value range from 0 to 10 when there are no values // (otherwise the range is double minimum to double maximum) if (plot.getRangeAxis().getRange().getCentralValue() == 0d) { plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(new Range(0, 10)); } // add vertical year break marker when displaying the last 12 months if (timeType == TimeRangeType.LAST_12_MONTHS) { LocalDate firstDayOfYear =; LocalDate middleOfDecemberOfLastYear = firstDayOfYear.minusDays(15); Date dateMiddleOfDecemberOfLastYear = Date310Utils.localDateToDate(middleOfDecemberOfLastYear); ValueMarker newYearMarker = new ValueMarker(dateMiddleOfDecemberOfLastYear.getTime()); newYearMarker.setPaint(new java.awt.Color(0x00b000)); newYearMarker.setStroke(new java.awt.BasicStroke(0.8f)); newYearMarker.setLabel(String.valueOf(firstDayOfYear.getYear())); newYearMarker.setLabelAnchor(RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT); newYearMarker.setLabelTextAnchor(TextAnchor.TOP_LEFT); plot.addDomainMarker(newYearMarker); } // display legend next to the diagram on the right side chart.getLegend().setPosition(RectangleEdge.RIGHT); ChartUtils.customizeChart(chart); // display chart in viewer (chart viewer will be initialized lazily) if (chartViewer == null) { chartViewer = new ChartViewer(chart); spDiagram.getChildren().addAll(chartViewer); } else { chartViewer.setChart(chart); } } private void updateOptionControls() { final ValueType selectedValueType = cbDisplay.getValue(); // the sport type mode selection must not be visible for the ValueType SPORTSUBTYPE, EQUIPMENT and WEIGHT final boolean sportTypeModeVisible = selectedValueType != ValueType.SPORTSUBTYPE && selectedValueType != ValueType.EQUIPMENT && selectedValueType != ValueType.WEIGHT; // the sport type list selection must only be visible for the ValueType SPORTSUBTYPE and EQUIPMENT final boolean sportTypeListVisible = selectedValueType == ValueType.SPORTSUBTYPE || selectedValueType == ValueType.EQUIPMENT; // add or remove sport type mode selection depending on visibility and current state if (sportTypeModeVisible && !hBoxOptions.getChildren().contains(hBoxSportTypeMode)) { hBoxOptions.getChildren().add(hBoxSportTypeMode); } if (!sportTypeModeVisible && hBoxOptions.getChildren().contains(hBoxSportTypeMode)) { hBoxOptions.getChildren().remove(hBoxSportTypeMode); } // add or remove sport type list selection depending on visibility and current state if (sportTypeListVisible && !hBoxOptions.getChildren().contains(hBoxSportTypeList)) { hBoxOptions.getChildren().add(hBoxSportTypeList); } if (!sportTypeListVisible && hBoxOptions.getChildren().contains(hBoxSportTypeList)) { hBoxOptions.getChildren().remove(hBoxSportTypeList); } } /** * Sets up the diagram for exercise data. * * @param dataset the XY dataset to be filled * @param graphColors list of graph colors, can be filled with preferred colors */ private void setupExerciseDiagram(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, java.util.List<java.awt.Color> graphColors) { // get time range and value type to display TimeRangeType timeType = cbTimeRange.getValue(); int year = spYear.getValue(); ValueType vType = cbDisplay.getValue(); OverviewType overviewType = cbSportTypeMode.getValue(); // which sport type mode is selected by user ? if (overviewType != OverviewType.EACH_SPLITTED) { // create one graph for sum of all sport types addExerciseTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, vType, null); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xff0000)); } else { // create a separate graph for each sport type for (SportType sportType : document.getSportTypeList()) { addExerciseTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, vType, sportType); graphColors.add(ColorUtils.toAwtColor(sportType.getColor())); } } } /** * This method calculates the specified exercise values (distance, duration, ascent, * avarage speed or calories concumption) and adds them to a TimeTableXYDataset. * The calculation can be done for the exercises of all sport types (sum) or for a * single sport type. * * @param dataset the timetable dataset * @param timeType time range for calculated values * @param year the year for calculation * @param valueType the type of values needs to be calculated * @param sportType the specific sport type to be calculated or null for the sum of all sport types */ private void addExerciseTimeSeries(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, TimeRangeType timeType, int year, ValueType valueType, SportType sportType) { // create the time series for specified time range and sport type String seriesName = sportType != null ? sportType.getName() : context.getResources().getString( "st.dlg.overview.graph.all_types"); // process value calculation for each step of time range int timeStepCount = getTimeStepCount(timeType, year); for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeStepCount; timeStep++) { // create time period for current time step RegularTimePeriod timePeriod = createTimePeriodForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); // create the EntryFilter for the time range of the current time step EntryFilter filter = createExerciseFilterForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); filter.setSportType(sportType); mergeExerciseFilterIfEnabled(filter); // get exercises for defined filter // (add value 0 and skip to next time step when no exercises found) EntryList<Exercise> lExercises = document.getExerciseList().getEntriesForFilter(filter); if (lExercises.size() == 0) { dataset.add(timePeriod, 0, seriesName); continue; } // create sums of all exercises double sumDistance = 0d; double sumDuration = 0d; double sumAscent = 0d; double sumCalories = 0d; for (Exercise tempExercise : lExercises) { sumDistance += tempExercise.getDistance(); sumDuration += tempExercise.getDuration(); sumAscent += tempExercise.getAscent(); sumCalories += tempExercise.getCalories(); } // set value of time step depending on value type // (convert to english unit mode when enabled) STOptions options = document.getOptions(); switch (valueType) { case DISTANCE: if (options.getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { sumDistance = ConvertUtils.convertKilometer2Miles(sumDistance, false); } dataset.add(timePeriod, sumDistance, seriesName); break; case DURATION: // calculate duration in hours dataset.add(timePeriod, sumDuration / 3600d, seriesName); break; case ASCENT: if (options.getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { sumAscent = ConvertUtils.convertMeter2Feet((int) sumAscent); } dataset.add(timePeriod, sumAscent, seriesName); break; case CALORIES: // set calorie consumption dataset.add(timePeriod, sumCalories, seriesName); break; case EXERCISES: // set number of exercises dataset.add(timePeriod, lExercises.size(), seriesName); break; case AVG_SPEED: // calculate AVG speed of all exercises of time step if (options.getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { sumDistance = ConvertUtils.convertKilometer2Miles(sumDistance, false); } double averageSpeed = sumDistance / (sumDuration / 3600d); // calculate the speed value depending on current speed unit view if (options.getSpeedView() == FormatUtils.SpeedView.MinutesPerDistance) { if (averageSpeed == 0) { dataset.add(timePeriod, 0, seriesName); } else { dataset.add(timePeriod, 60 / averageSpeed, seriesName); } } else { dataset.add(timePeriod, averageSpeed, seriesName); } break; default: dataset.add(timePeriod, 0, seriesName); } } } /** * Sets up the diagram for sport subtype overview for the selected sport type. * * @param dataset the XY dataset to be filled * @param graphColors list of graph colors, can be filled with preferred colors */ private void setupSportSubTypeDiagram(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, java.util.List<java.awt.Color> graphColors) { // get time range to display TimeRangeType timeType = cbTimeRange.getValue(); int year = spYear.getValue(); // get selected sport type SportType sportType = cbSportTypeList.getValue(); // display a graph for each sport subtype for (SportSubType sportSubType : sportType.getSportSubTypeList()) { addSportSubTypeTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, sportType, sportSubType); } addCustomGraphColors(graphColors); } /** * This method calculates the distance per sport subtype values and adds them to a TimeTableXYDataset. * The calculation is always done for the sport type selected by the user. * * @param dataset the timetable dataset * @param timeType time range for calculated values * @param year the year for calculation * @param sportType the sport type to be shown * @param sportSubType the sport subtype to be shown in this series */ private void addSportSubTypeTimeSeries(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, TimeRangeType timeType, int year, SportType sportType, SportSubType sportSubType) { String seriesName = sportSubType.getName(); // process value calculation for each step of time range int timeStepCount = getTimeStepCount(timeType, year); for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeStepCount; timeStep++) { // create time period for current time step RegularTimePeriod timePeriod = createTimePeriodForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); // create the EntryFilter for the time range of the current time step EntryFilter filter = createExerciseFilterForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); filter.setSportType(sportType); filter.setSportSubType(sportSubType); mergeExerciseFilterIfEnabled(filter); // get exercises for defined filter EntryList<Exercise> lExercises = document.getExerciseList().getEntriesForFilter(filter); // create distance sum of all found exercises double sumDistance = 0d; for (Exercise tempExercise : lExercises) { // sum only exercises with same sport subtype (otherwise conflicts with the merged filter set in the // view) if (sportSubType.equals(tempExercise.getSportSubType())) { sumDistance += tempExercise.getDistance(); } } // convert to english unit mode when enabled if (document.getOptions().getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { sumDistance = ConvertUtils.convertKilometer2Miles(sumDistance, false); } // set distance value of time step dataset.add(timePeriod, sumDistance, seriesName); } } /** * Sets up the diagram for equipment usage for the selected sport type. * * @param dataset the XY dataset to be filled * @param graphColors list of graph colors, can be filled with preferred colors */ private void setupEquipmentDiagram(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, java.util.List<java.awt.Color> graphColors) { // get time range to display TimeRangeType timeType = cbTimeRange.getValue(); int year = spYear.getValue(); // get selected sport type SportType sportType = cbSportTypeList.getValue(); // display a graph for each equipment and one for not specified equipment for (Equipment equipment : sportType.getEquipmentList()) { addEquipmentTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, sportType, equipment); } addEquipmentTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year, sportType, null); addCustomGraphColors(graphColors); } /** * This method calculates the distance per equipment values and adds them to a TimeTableXYDataset. * The calculation is always done for the sport type selected by the user. * * @param dataset the timetable dataset * @param timeType time range for calculated values * @param year the year for calculation * @param sportType the sport type to be shown * @param equipment the equipment to be shown in this series (when null, then calculate exercises with no equipment * assigned only) */ private void addEquipmentTimeSeries(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, TimeRangeType timeType, int year, SportType sportType, Equipment equipment) { String seriesName = equipment != null ? equipment.getName() : context.getResources().getString( ""); // process value calculation for each step of time range int timeStepCount = getTimeStepCount(timeType, year); for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeStepCount; timeStep++) { // create time period for current time step RegularTimePeriod timePeriod = createTimePeriodForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); // create the EntryFilter for the time range of the current time step EntryFilter filter = createExerciseFilterForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); filter.setSportType(sportType); filter.setEquipment(equipment); mergeExerciseFilterIfEnabled(filter); // get exercises for defined filter EntryList<Exercise> lExercises = document.getExerciseList().getEntriesForFilter(filter); // create distance sum of all found exercises double sumDistance = 0d; for (Exercise tempExercise : lExercises) { // when displaying series for no equipment assigned then skip exercises with assigned equipment if (equipment == null && tempExercise.getEquipment() != null) { continue; } sumDistance += tempExercise.getDistance(); } // convert to english unit mode when enabled if (document.getOptions().getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { sumDistance = ConvertUtils.convertKilometer2Miles(sumDistance, false); } // set distance value of time step dataset.add(timePeriod, sumDistance, seriesName); } } /** * Sets up the diagram for weight data. * * @param dataset the XY dataset to be filled * @param graphColors list of graph colors, can be filled with preferred colors */ private void setupWeightDiagram(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, java.util.List<java.awt.Color> graphColors) { // get time range to display TimeRangeType timeType = cbTimeRange.getValue(); int year = spYear.getValue(); addWeightTimeSeries(dataset, timeType, year); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xff0000)); } /** * This method creates a TimeSeries graph which contains all Weight entries * for the current selected time range and adds them to the passed * TimeTableXYDataset. * * @param dataset the timetable dataset * @param timeType time range for calculated values * @param year the year for calculation */ private void addWeightTimeSeries(TimeTableXYDataset dataset, TimeRangeType timeType, int year) { String seriesName = context.getResources().getString("st.dlg.overview.display.weight.text"); // process value calculation for each step of time range int timeStepCount = getTimeStepCount(timeType, year); for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < timeStepCount; timeStep++) { // create time period for current time step RegularTimePeriod timePeriod = createTimePeriodForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); // create the EntryFilter for the time range of the current time step // (EntryFilter was not made for Weight, but it's also handy to use here :-) EntryFilter filter = createExerciseFilterForTimeStep(timeType, year, timeStep); // get average weight for the time range of this step double avgWeight = getAverageWeightInTimeRange(filter); if (document.getOptions().getUnitSystem() != FormatUtils.UnitSystem.Metric) { avgWeight = ConvertUtils.convertKilogram2Lbs(avgWeight); } // add computed value to time series (if the weight value is available) if (avgWeight > 0) { dataset.add(timePeriod, avgWeight, seriesName, true); } // when there is no weight value, add at least the first and last dataset item // to make sure the full time range is shown else if (timeStep == 0 || timeStep == timeStepCount - 1) { dataset.add(timePeriod, (Number) null, seriesName, true); } } } /** * Returns the number of displayed time steps in the specified time range type. * * @param timeType the time range type to be displayed * @param year the year to be displayed * @return number of time steps */ private int getTimeStepCount(TimeRangeType timeType, int year) { switch (timeType) { case LAST_12_MONTHS: return 13; case MONTHS_OF_YEAR: return 12; case WEEKS_OF_YEAR: // Workaround for a JFreeChart problem: use the Year instead // of Week class for the bottom axis, otherwise there will be // format problems on the axis (the first week is often "52") // => get number of weeks for the specified year (mostly 52, sometimes 53) LocalDate dateinYear = LocalDate.of(year, 1, 15); WeekFields weekField = getWeekFieldsForWeekStart(); return (int) dateinYear.range(weekField.weekOfYear()).getMaximum(); case LAST_10_YEARS: return 10; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown TimeRangeType!"); } } /** * Creates the TimePeriod to be displayed in the TimeSeries graph for the * specified time step. * * @param timeType the time range type to be displayed * @param year the year to be displayed * @param timeStep the current time step in the graph * @return the created TimePeriod for the current time step */ private RegularTimePeriod createTimePeriodForTimeStep(TimeRangeType timeType, int year, int timeStep) { switch (timeType) { case LAST_12_MONTHS: LocalDate now =; int tempMonth = now.getMonthValue() + timeStep - 1; int tempYear = now.getYear() - 1 + tempMonth / 12; return new Month(tempMonth % 12 + 1, tempYear); case MONTHS_OF_YEAR: return new Month(timeStep + 1, year); case WEEKS_OF_YEAR: // Workaround for a JFreeChart problem: use the Year instead // of Week class for the botton axis, otherwise there will be // format problems on the axis (the first week is often "52") int tempWeekNr = timeStep + 1; return new Year(1900 + tempWeekNr); case LAST_10_YEARS: return new Year(year - 9 + timeStep); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknow TimeRangeType!"); } } /** * Creates the EntryFilter with the time range (dateStart/dateEnd) * to be shown in the TimeSeries graph for the specified time step. * All the other EntryFilter attributes are not set yet. * * @param timeType the time range type to be displayed * @param year the year to be displayed * @param timeStep the current time step in the graph * @return the created EntryFilter for the current time step */ private EntryFilter createExerciseFilterForTimeStep(TimeRangeType timeType, int year, int timeStep) { EntryFilter filter = new EntryFilter(); LocalDate now =; LocalDate dateRangeStart; LocalDate dateRangeEnd; // setup time range of filter depending on the specified time type switch (timeType) { case LAST_12_MONTHS: int tempMonth = now.getMonthValue() + timeStep - 1; int tempYear = now.getYear() - 1 + tempMonth / 12; dateRangeStart = LocalDate.of(tempYear, tempMonth % 12 + 1, 1); dateRangeEnd = dateRangeStart.plusMonths(1).minusDays(1); break; case MONTHS_OF_YEAR: tempMonth = timeStep; dateRangeStart = LocalDate.of(year, tempMonth + 1, 1); dateRangeEnd = dateRangeStart.plusMonths(1).minusDays(1); break; case WEEKS_OF_YEAR: int tempWeekNr = timeStep + 1; dateRangeStart = getStartDateForWeekOfYear(year, tempWeekNr); dateRangeEnd = dateRangeStart.plusDays(6); break; case LAST_10_YEARS: tempYear = year - 9 + timeStep; dateRangeStart = LocalDate.of(tempYear, 1, 1); dateRangeEnd = dateRangeStart.plusYears(1).minusDays(1); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknow TimeRangeType!"); } filter.setDateStart(dateRangeStart); filter.setDateEnd(dateRangeEnd); return filter; } /** * Adds custom colors for all the diagram graphs, because some color presets are not usable or * readable (if more colors are needed, then presets will be used). */ private void addCustomGraphColors(java.util.List<java.awt.Color> graphColors) { graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xff5555)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0x5555ff)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0x3acc2e)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xff8000)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xff55ff)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0x31d5d5)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0xdc8686)); graphColors.add(new java.awt.Color(0x808080)); } private LocalDate getStartDateForWeekOfYear(int year, int weekNr) { WeekFields weekField = getWeekFieldsForWeekStart(); // create date for some day in the specified year LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(year, 2, 1); // set the first weekday (values 1 - 7, value 1 is Sunday or Monday) date = date.with(weekField.dayOfWeek(), 1); // set the specified week number return date.with(weekField.weekOfWeekBasedYear(), weekNr); } private WeekFields getWeekFieldsForWeekStart() { // use ISO (week start at monday) or SUNDAY_START WeekFields depending on configuration return document.getOptions().isWeekStartSunday() ? WeekFields.SUNDAY_START : WeekFields.ISO; } private boolean isExerciseFilterEnabled() { return document.isFilterEnabled() && document.getCurrentFilter().getEntryType() == EntryFilter.EntryType.EXERCISE; } /** * Merges the specified filter for time series creation with the existing filter * in the SportsTracker view (if it is enabled). * * @param filter the filter used for time series creation */ private void mergeExerciseFilterIfEnabled(EntryFilter filter) { // when the exercise filter is enabled in the GUI then we need to // merge these filter criterias into the created diagram filter if (isExerciseFilterEnabled()) { EntryFilter currentFilter = document.getCurrentFilter(); // merge filter date if (currentFilter.getDateStart().isAfter(filter.getDateStart())) { filter.setDateStart(currentFilter.getDateStart()); } if (currentFilter.getDateEnd().isBefore(filter.getDateEnd())) { filter.setDateEnd(currentFilter.getDateEnd()); } // merge sport type and subtype filter if (currentFilter.getSportType() != null) { if (filter.getSportType() != null && !currentFilter.getSportType().equals(filter.getSportType())) { // filters have different sport types => add a not existing sport type, so nothing will be found filter.setSportType(new SportType(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } else { filter.setSportType(currentFilter.getSportType()); if (currentFilter.getSportSubType() != null) { filter.setSportSubType(currentFilter.getSportSubType()); } } } // merge intensity filter if (currentFilter.getIntensity() != null) { filter.setIntensity(currentFilter.getIntensity()); } // merge equipment filter if (currentFilter.getEquipment() != null) { if (filter.getEquipment() != null && !currentFilter.getEquipment().equals(filter.getEquipment())) { // filters have different equipments => add a not existing equipment, so nothing will be found filter.setEquipment(new Equipment(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } else { filter.setEquipment(currentFilter.getEquipment()); } } // merge comment filter if (currentFilter.getCommentSubString() != null) { filter.setCommentSubString(currentFilter.getCommentSubString()); filter.setRegularExpressionMode(currentFilter.isRegularExpressionMode()); } } } /** * Returns the average weight value for all Weight entries in the time range * of the specified EntryFilter. * * @param filter the EntryFilter with the time range to be used * @return the average weight value or 0 when no Weight entries found */ private double getAverageWeightInTimeRange(EntryFilter filter) { java.util.List<Weight> weightsInTimeRange = document.getWeightList().getEntriesInDateRange( filter.getDateStart(), filter.getDateEnd()); if (weightsInTimeRange.isEmpty()) { return 0; } double weightSum = 0; for (Weight weight : weightsInTimeRange) { weightSum += weight.getValue(); } return weightSum / (double) weightsInTimeRange.size(); } /** * This is the list of possible time ranges displayed in diagram. * This enum also provides the localized displayed enum names. */ private enum TimeRangeType { /** * In total 13 months: current month and last 12 before (good * for compare current month and the one from year before). */ LAST_12_MONTHS("st.dlg.overview.time_range.last_12_months.text"), // MONTHS_OF_YEAR("st.dlg.overview.time_range.months_of_year.text"), // WEEKS_OF_YEAR("st.dlg.overview.time_range.weeks_of_year.text"), // LAST_10_YEARS("st.dlg.overview.time_range.ten_years.text"); private static AppResources appResources; private String resourceKey; private TimeRangeType(final String resourceKey) { this.resourceKey = resourceKey; } @Override public String toString() { return appResources.getString(resourceKey); } } /** * This is the list of possible value types displayed in diagram. * This enum also provides the localized displayed enum names. */ private enum ValueType { DISTANCE("st.dlg.overview.display.distance_sum.text"), // DURATION("st.dlg.overview.display.duration_sum.text"), // ASCENT("st.dlg.overview.display.ascent_sum.text"), // CALORIES("st.dlg.overview.display.calorie_sum.text"), // EXERCISES("st.dlg.overview.display.exercise_count.text"), // AVG_SPEED("st.dlg.overview.display.avg_speed.text"), // SPORTSUBTYPE("st.dlg.overview.display.sportsubtype_distance.text"), // EQUIPMENT("st.dlg.overview.display.equipment_distance.text"), // WEIGHT("st.dlg.overview.display.weight.text"); private static AppResources appResources; private String resourceKey; private ValueType(final String resourceKey) { this.resourceKey = resourceKey; } @Override public String toString() { return appResources.getString(resourceKey); } /** * Returns the name of the value type including the current unit system, e.g. for displaying as axis name. * * @return name and unit system */ private String getNameWithUnitSystem(final FormatUtils formatUtils) { switch (this) { case DISTANCE: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.distance_sum", formatUtils.getDistanceUnitName()); case DURATION: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.duration_sum"); case ASCENT: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.ascent_sum", formatUtils.getAltitudeUnitName()); case CALORIES: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.calories_sum"); case EXERCISES: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.exercise_count"); case AVG_SPEED: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.avg_speed", formatUtils.getSpeedUnitName()); case SPORTSUBTYPE: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.sportsubtype_distance", formatUtils.getDistanceUnitName()); case EQUIPMENT: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.equipment_distance", formatUtils.getDistanceUnitName()); case WEIGHT: return appResources.getString("st.dlg.overview.value_type.weight", formatUtils.getWeightUnitName()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value type!"); } } } /** * This is the list of possible overview types to draw in diagram. * This enum also provides the localized displayed enum names. */ private enum OverviewType { EACH_SPLITTED("st.dlg.overview.sport_type.each_splitted.text"), // EACH_STACKED("st.dlg.overview.sport_type.each_stacked.text"), // ALL_SUMMARY("st.dlg.overview.sport_type.all_summary.text"); // private static AppResources appResources; private String resourceKey; private OverviewType(final String resourceKey) { this.resourceKey = resourceKey; } @Override public String toString() { return appResources.getString(resourceKey); } } }